Arizona’s students are vital to the future of our state’s workforce and economy. Investing in their education makes sense.

Introduced in 2015, the Arizona Board of Regents resident-student funding model focuses squarely on Arizona students and their success. The Arizona Board of Regents has set a multi-year 50-50 goal to split the funding for a resident student’s education with the state and our universities by 2020.

Widely embraced by business and community leaders as well as the students themselves, this innovative model strengthens the board’s ability to fulfill its aggressive goals to increase degree attainment. The board is grateful for the foresight and vision that Gov. Doug Ducey and legislators have demonstrated by embracing this model. The FY 2017 budget allocated $8 million for the resident student funding model and the FY 2018 budget directs $15 million in support of the plan.

Arizona’s public universities are a driving force in educating our state’s highly-qualified workforce of tomorrow. This funding model supports continued access to a quality, university education.